Thursday, 4 June 2015

Specialist Software for People with Physical Difficulties

Puff-Suck Switch
This device helps people with limited physical mobility by providing them with a switch that is connected to a computer. When the user sucks or puff down the device it will activate the switch. The video shows the device explained and shown in depth.

Foot Mouse
This particular device aids people with limited mobility of their hands and arms. This mouse gives individuals the right to be independent as it gives them access to navigate through programs like a normal mouse. The foot mouse has to controls which are the cursor that enables users to move around and the other control that enables them  to click.
An additional device that has access to various different types of computers such as Tablets and IPad's is the Page turner. This device is enabled via Bluetooth.This software works on Microsoft and Apple Operating systems that will allow individuals to navigate the page up and down.

Eye Typer

This device is aimed at people who have no control over their hands and legs and can no longer operate a normal mouse and keyboard. An eye typer consists of a camera installed on the computer and is set to look at the individuals eye. The users eye is now see as the mouse and determines where to navigate; one slow blink is also known as the conventional moue click. This video is an example of the device being used however this is an old version.

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